Remote sensing system capabilities:
- Defective overhead contact system cables detection;
- Defective electric line signal cables detection;
- Defective overhead contact system insulators detection;
- Defective traction substation insulators detection;
- Defective traction substation transformers detection.
Detection examples:
Corona discharge from voltage insulator recording on the Rail overhead contact system support
Aircraft view
Land view
Insulator test in the Railways laboratory. When a voltage is supplied, current leakage occures.
Railways section pillar equipment heating registration
Aircraft view
While the electric train (“Sapsan”) is passing, the loop fastened to the switch C1 gets heated up with an excess temperature of 139◦С due to failure in section.
Land view
While the electric train (“Sapsan”) is passing, bushing insulator feeders #3 and #4 bolted joints get heated up to 29,2◦С (#3) and 39,3◦С (#4).